psychoTherapy for individuals, couples and families.

Illinois + Colorado

Compassionate + Authentic Care


Therapy can be a vulnerable endeavor to initiate, whatever it is that brings you here is worthy of time and care.

Many aspects of life and relationships can be challenging, recurring and even intolerable. Hope or- hopelessness -may have brought you here, in pursuit of changes or general ease that continue to mystify you. The therapeutic process offers support in the areas of your life in which you feel stuck, disconnected, lost or confused.

Sometimes things don't change or can’t be controlled, though, and you may have to contend with powerlessness too. In therapy, you can begin to befriend challenges while discovering your own capacities.


Bonded Psychotherapy + Consulting was founded on the belief that attachment is at the heart of the human experience. It is our inherent need for one another that causes both our suffering and our healing. We believe that relationships both inside and outside of therapy have the potential to help us grow and mend the areas within us that became wounded from unresolved impacts of life. Bonded Psychotherapy + Consulting is guided by the mission of providing therapeutic care and services that model genuine connection to foster healing and growth individually and collectively.